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Intelligent Transportation Systems

Improving Smater Smoother Safer Commuting 

Intelligent Transportation Systems
Reliable Communication Solutions with Secure & Easy Remote Management



24/7 Non-Stop

Network Redundancy

PoE++ Technology up to 90W power output

Remote PoE Traffic Asset Management

Remote Network Management and Secure Audit

Secure Remote Management

01 City Traffic Intersections


Robust ATMS network management

Improving all cities traffic intersections with the latest ATMS (Advanced Traffic Management Systems) and field network is crucial, due to quite a few locations are still having either legacy asset or communication infrastructure, the skill gap or knowledges about today's complexity network implementation planning; plus, the consideration to pick the right communication equipment for the reliability, how they would interoperable with others, whether they are user-friendly, or having any cybersecurity protection functions. 

2RL Communications ITS expert team has been continuous assist Traffic or ITS Engineers across the country providing turnkey communication solution to ensure the Traffic Engineers and Operators would have the successful solutions adoption, and to perform their real-time traffic monitoring and instant ATMS field network remote management efficiently. 

City Intersection Traffic Management - ATMS


Work with clients to go over the right turnkey industrial-grade network communication

solution products 

  • Smart device connectivity technologies:

    • From Industrial Ethernet, PoE++, IEEE802.11 Wireless, Broadband 45/5G, Serial-to-Ethernet, Remote Ethernet I/O, Industrial Embedded Computing - to ensure all ATMS traffic asset data communication from roadside cabinet back to TMC

  • Intelligent infrastructure:

    • With Industrial Field Managed Switches with high bandwidth Gigabit backbone network for field ATMS 24/7 non-stop data transmission

  • Secure Remote Management:

    • Products embraced with high security profile to enhance the entire ATMS network security protection from device level to infrastructure, and industrial Network Management software suite for easy security remote audit 

  • Recommended Products

Industrial Secure Serial-to-Ethernet Device Server

Industrial Serial-to-Ethernet Device Server

Industrial Remote Ethernet I/O Gateways

Industrial Ethernet
Remote I/O Gateway

Field Edged Industrial Ethernet Managed Switches

Industrial Edge Layer 2
Gigabit & PoE++
Managed Switches

Industrial Secure Routers with Firewall, VPN, NAT, and Routing

Industrial Secure Routers Firewall/VPN/NAT/Routing

Industrial Network Management Software Suite

Network Management Suite

02 Highway Systems

Highway systems with VMS remote management

Real-time Traffic Monitoring and Remote Management

The Intelligent Vehicle-Highway Systems (IVHS) are the traffic asset that includes traffic management systems, driver information systems, and vehicle control systems, and the IVHS is required to be intelligent, robust and secure protected.

Due to outdoor harsh environment, heavy shock/vibration, and high real-time data streaming from various traffic asset, such as Ramp Metering, Sensors, Traffic Cameras, Dynamic Message Signs (DMS) and Variable Messages Signs (VMS), Detectors, Traffic Controllers, etc; it is crucial for Client to define what communication and network technology solution products.

2RL Communications expert team works closely with Clients to walk through applications requirement, what and how to apply what communication technologies to achieve the goal for real-time traffic monitoring and secure remote management.


  • Front-end computing - remote update VMS or DMS info to get drivers be alert any condition change on the highway

  • Devices secure networking - from sensors, to detector, traffic controller, traffic cameras being networked with stable and secure data transmission

  • Smart infrastructure - utilize latest Layer 2 and Layer network software technologies for data and network management, plus having Fast Network Recovery functions to ensure 24/7 non-stop communication back to TCC

  • Secure and Remote Management - follow Global Cybersecurity standard IEC62443 to implementing full network security profiles from devices to infrastructure; and utilize industrial network management software tool to perform remote security audit

  • Recommended Products

Industrial Secure Serial-to-Ethernet Device Server

Industrial Serial-to-Ethernet
Device Servers

Industrial Embedded Front-end Computers

Box-type Embedded Computer

Field Edged Industrial Gigabit Ethernet Managed Switches

Industrial Edge Layer 2 Managed Switches

Industrial Secure Routers with Firewall, VPN, NAT, and Routing

Industrial Secure Routers Firewall/VPN/NAT/Routing

Industrial Network Management Software Suite

Network Management Suite

03 Toll Road / Turnpike

24/7 Secure & Redundancy Tollway Network

Due to the rapid increasing traffic demand, new roads, bridges, and tunnels can be tolled. Tolls can be based on time, distance, or a combination of entry and exit tolls. The trends for the new Toll Road or Turnpike upgrading is implementing the latest ETC (Electronic Toll Collection) systems.

For the ETC systems network and management become critical, due to huge streaming data transmission within the network, such as, the toll tag info, electronic payments data via the wireless transponder, traffic cameras, traffic controller, sensors, detectors, etc; plus the outdoor harsh environment, or roadway shock/vibration condition would be the impact for any data transmission error. 

Tollway - ETC network management


Building a robust ETC network will rely on choosing the reliable industrial communication and networking hardware and software products featuring not only about connectivity for any traffic asset, but more as hardened front-end computing, smart Ethernet I/O, wide Gigabit or 10-Gigabit bandwidth backbone Industrial Ethernet switches with Layer 2/3 functions and 24/7 network redundancy function; plus, they are required to be interoperable with backend network with full security protection functions. In addition, all communication and networking products should be certified and passed all related safety, EMI, shock/vibration testing, and extended operating temperature rated.


  • Device networking - network enabled various legacy or Ethernet-based traffic asset with industrial-grade and high-end security function

  • Network Infrastructure - require the scalable industrial Gigabit Ethernet Layer 2 and 3 managed switches with Fast network recovery to ensure 24/7 network uptime, plus full security profile functions follow the IEC62443 Global ICS cybersecurity standard

  • Secure and remote management - utilizing industrial network management software tool for instant visualization of remote ETC network condition, and security audit   

  • Recommended Products

Industrial Wireless AP/Bridge/Client

Industrial Wireless AP/Bridge/Client

Industrial Remote Ethernet I/O Gateways

Smart Ethernet remote I/O 

Field Edged Industrial Ethernet Managed Switches

Industrial Edge Layer 2 Managed Switches

Industrial Secure Routers with Firewall, VPN, NAT, and Routing

Industrial Secure Routers Firewall/VPN/NAT/Routing

Industrial Network Management Software Suite

IndustrialNetwork Management Suite

04 Public Region Transit

Smarter, Safer, Smoother Commuting

Public Region Transits

A public transit system is a network of transportation services and it is including Buses, Trains, Trams, Trolleybuses, Rapid transit, such as light rail transit (LRT), bus rapid transit (BRT), or heavy rail like subways, and they are most common in urban areas.

Improving Smarter Safer Smoother commuting, the trends are improving all communication and control systems within the vehicles; such as Telematics systems, ITCS, PTC, CBTS, AVL, Access Control systems, Infotainment systems, PIDS, and CCTV cameras.

A robust and real-time communication network within the vehicles will rely on various communications solution products from industrial computing, HMI, NVR systems, to DIO/AIO, Serial, Ethernet, PoE, Wi-Fi (IEEE802.11 & LTE). In addition, all these solution products should be ready for built-in network security function, and be certified and passed all industry related testing to withstand the extreme temperature, heavy shock/vibration, EMI.



  • Industrial Embedded Computing

    • from box-type to panel display type for Telematic or NVR systems

  • Device networking

    • network enabled measurement devices with various DIO/AIO or CANbus/Serial communication interfaces

    • Industrial Ethernet Switches features Layer 2, Gigabit, PoE++, network redundancy functions to ensure the entire vehicle network communication solution

    • Wireless communication equipment with IEEE802.11 & 4G/5G LTE to have constant mobile communication between vehicle and control center for remote monitoring

  • Recommended Products

Field Edged Industrial Gigabit Ethernet Managed Switches

Gigabit PoE++ Layer 2 
Ethernet Managed Switch

Industrial Wireless Client

IEEE 802.11a/b/g/n/ac
wireless client

Industrial Embedded Computers

Industrial Embedded Computer with 11th iCore

Industrial Secure Serial-to-Ethernet Device Servers

Industrial Secure Serial-to-Ethernet Device Server

Industrial Remote Ethernet I/O Gateways

Industrial Ethernet
Remote I/O Gateway

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