Water Wastewater
Secure Remote Monitoring and Management
Water Wastewater
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Secure Remote Management
01 Water Treatment Plant
A Robust and Secure Treatment Plant Control System Network
Given the industrial process of treating water, there are various process stages within the water treatment plants, from Screening to Aeration and Pre-chlorination, Coagulation and flocculation, Sedimentation, Filtration, Chlorination, and Supplementary treatment.
All these processes are running with verity legacy industrial protocol measurement devices, control PLCs, DCS (Distributed Control Systems) with various communication interfaces, (i.e. serial, DIO or AIO, Ethernet); plus the plant environment is require industrial-grade communication networking devices to withstand the temperature, humidity, or EMI, and real-time network without any downtime, in order allow Control Engineer or Operator perform excellent SCADA system remote monitoring and management.

Furthermore, the Trends of Cybersecurity protection, the Global Cybersecurity standard IEC 62443 focus in ICS (Industrial Control Systems) should be the major consideration to improve the the entire control system network from Device level to Infrastructure level, and Remote Management level.
Device networking - Modbus Ethernet Gateways to convert various ModbusRTU/ASCII/485 protocol devices to the ModbusTCP SCADA control network
Ethernet Connectivity, data reliability, and security
Increase flexibility by having the Edged Modular Din-Rail type industrial Gigabit Ethernet Switch with fiber option and features with Layer 2 and 3 functions
Ensure 24/7 the control network operating with Fast Network Recovery function support <50ms
​Scalability with fiber-optics option support, Gigabit to 10-Gigabit network backbone for high streaming data back to SCADA Control Center
Security Certification - Certified with IEC62443 Global Cybersecurity standard for ICS (industrial control system)
Security Enhancement by utilize an industrial secure routers with Firewall/VPN/NAT/Routing to prevent any unauthorized access; and implementing industrial network management toolset to perform remote monitoring, management, and security audit efficiently.
Recommended Products
Industrial ModbusTCP to ModbusRTU/ASCII/ 485
Layer 2 Managed Switch
Industrial Edge 10 Gigabit
Modular Managed Switch

Industrial Secure Routers Firewall/VPN/NAT/Routing

Industrial Network Management Suite
02 Water Management Pipeline

Water management pipelines are a vital part of oil and gas infrastructure, allowing for the efficient transfer of water between production, use, and disposal points. They are designed to transport water over long distances while minimizing loss and leakage, which helps to ensure a reliable supply and reduce the risk of water shortages.
Multiple pumping stations, such as block valve stations and compressor stations, keep the pressure in the pipeline constant. Operators can quickly detect, locate, and prevent or resolve leaks, damages, and breaks by deploying a rugged, extendable fiber-optic Ethernet network. The network must be robust, secure, highly available, and include an integrated remote monitoring for pipeline operation to improve safety and reliability and reduce the total cost of the pipeline.
Reliable and secure wired and wireless communication network solutions
Smart RTU, ensuring accurate data timestamps and prompt alarm triggering
High-performance VPN for large data acquisition requirements to secure data transmissions
Recommended Products
Wireless AP/Client/Bridge
Industrial Smart Ethernet Remote I/O plus logic
Industrial Edge Layer 2 Managed Switch

Industrial Secure Routers Firewall/VPN/NAT/Routing

Industrial Network Management Suite

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